Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @ 8:10 AM
hmm havent posted for a long time. so here i am posting. theres GAP tomorrow so i've got find 15 pictures thanks to two people ah -.^ it's 11:11 :) & ily. just finished the history letter. hmm. the militarism thing, i finally got it thanks to mingwei <3 hehe. did math ws simul. again. geog is getting more boring than history. didnt expect uh. science teacher didnt come, nor did HCL teacher, LA teacher also got a replacement, but shes super nice though. :D learning chengyu.. no rather, i've just finished. it's difficult adjusting to early sch time. waking up at 5:45. by next week it should be fine. PC makes people want to sleep. D: not the video, but the teacher's slow slow slowwww way of talking. cant stand it. theres PE tomorrow. frisbeee. not that i like it. theres stay back tomorrow. splitting up to queue for food tomorrow with sally. she queue food i queue drinks. lol :]
you still have the ability to speed
my heartbeat up.
it's just a matter of
whether you want to.