Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 6:22 AM
120th post!
but its not gonna be on something nice.
in fact today has been a not so great day.
firstly there was the geog assignment reminder that i still had to write an essay -.-
second up was the WONDERFUL seat rearrangment by our OH SO GREAT class comm of which consists of people that i absolutely didnt vote for. (this one's the worst part due to many other factors)
thirdly theres this two bio worksheets in which i didnt really know the answer to and yet had to do.
4th-ly there was not enough goreng pisangs to buy a pair for zinc & me.
5th-ly theres P.E tomorrow
6th-ly theres CCA tomorrow (one of the worst too mainly because i realise we havent been doing much apart from playing and "planning" and "workshops" and trying to move from classroom to classroom.)
so it indeed wasnt one of the best days but there were greattt parts too
so it did cheer me up quite a bit :D