Sunday, December 27, 2009 @ 11:30 PM
김종민's back on 1박2일 ^^
well holidays are ending. hooooray not.
looking forward to school? maybe.. unless we get a serious change of teachers. all the old (not referring to age), high, mighty and cocky ones should get kicked out soon. accept it, your teaching totally doesn't help/work.
there's Math x 4 + CNJS + houji+ jianbao x 1
and i made a promise to mw to finish by tuesday night. genius me.
yes mw, your long awaited fries most probably will be delivered into your mouth soon.
circular measure formulas have gone from "yes i can recite/regurgitate/spit at you 98% of them" to "no i cant remember any at all".
and theres trig3 test in week 2. totally great -.-
time to rushhhh.
don't like to treat you this way honestly but what if it's true? i know it's awkward too.
your actions make me feel like you really prefer c/s
time to make up your mind..