Friday, July 2, 2010 @ 8:00 AM
really surprised me there, and i thought it wouldn't affect me one bit.
though i really wonder whether it hurts more because it used to be "we" or whether its just me being sad over losing something that i chose to let go in the first place.
maybe it's just the fact that everyone's finding someone.
honestly, there's hardly been a day that i can walk around these people and yet still hold my head high at the fact that i'm different.
it's really disheartening to see the chinese music industry declining that much in recent years.
after all the first song i loved in my life was a chinese one and all my favourite songs up till now are still chinese ones.
i really do hope that up till the day that my ears fail on me, i will still be able to hear a constant supply of cpop songs.
hate the fact that the english pop industry is busy churning out a whole bunch of substandard songs with a shitload of horrible lyrics in the period when the cpop industry's been remaining stagnant.
even daddy agrees and we're both hoping that it'll recover really soon.
it's 11:11 (: jesus, do revive it yeah
with the release of his album, really hope it gets the industry up and moving on its feet again.