Monday, November 15, 2010 @ 6:03 AM
shall gripe/whine a little about the recruitment agencies.
seriously, will replying an email kill you?
why on earth do you have to bug me everyday with unknown number calls and waste my time 哈拉-ing with you on the phone before you can even guarantee me a job!
plus if i happened to miss your call, you don't ever bother to call back or even leave a voice message to tell me who on earth you are.
what great phone etiquette.
and i even heard the most appalling thing when someone cut me off with an abrupt kthxbai. hello, do you think its msn or that we're friends having a casual chat?
urgh. okay enough of that..
moving on,
d'mvmt auditions tomorrow,
looking forward to learning a nice new choreo (i hope).
come to think of it, nic's choreo is pretty good after watching crew2 doing the dry run on stage.
go cj crew (:
sigh i wish you knew how much i missed you (and still am)
it's been a year already but i haven't forgot you the least bit
it still feels like yesterday when we first spent time together.
you've showed me so much and i'm grateful
and it's like all of a sudden there's this realization that hits you so hard,
you finally see, so this is what my heart's been searching for.
probably, yes it does feel like a dream, and a great one at that too.
love the way it makes you feel all secure and at ease
full of excitement all day long even till the wee hours of the morning.
you have everything that makes you almost perfect
though i went with only one purpose in mind,
you've made me realise that there's so much more to you,
that in fact, i've been too myopic to even think that there's one only thing i can actually experience when i spend time with you.
dear city that never sleeps, till we are able to meet again,
i'll never stop thinking about you.