Friday, January 11, 2008 @ 11:53 PM
so here i am posting again. yeah. there was fencing this morning. then ate lunch at the food centre downstairs and there was this real uncivilised? :/ man that knew i was waiting for the people on the seat to finish and he just took me as transparent and placed his ahem on the seat without even asking. how rude. kiasu and rude side of singaporeans always prevail. shant waste my breath on such a person. oh, he was wearing black framed specs and black shirt with a levi print and had 2 kids wearing army pants and a maid. and then. yeah. im summarising the news article for chinese. 5 mins to report?! o.O lol. CCA trials were funnn. hui xian didn't get in ): no fair. i want her in softball. she almost got in lahhh. coach didnt let her pass his round. hmm. the old coach quit haha. wonder if thats worse or better._. gorgor how dare you go offline so early. see lah. never cheer didi up. didi is uber sad you know.