Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 6:20 AM
hellooo. im updating. theres geography test tomorrow.. jiayou jubix (: the DHRP symposium was pretty cool. got to know lots of programmes and mentorship stuff you get to join in year3. almost all of them gave you chances to interact with NUS/NTU professors, as they'll be your mentors. sounds fun :] did the streaming option form survey last night. chose option 1A. i think lots of people chose 1B. haha. so yeah it was half day of lessons today. P.E was amusingly dangerous. learning the backhand frisbee. some people's aiming ah, tooooo accurate already. *blinks at samantha*. ran 3 rounds. simply hate running on the track. it just reminds you how many rounds you have left. when i run with my mum outside, you dont feel that you've ran very far when you actually already have. distance that equal to 6 rounds on the track felt that nothing outside. 3 rounds today on the track seemed to take forever. D: lucky the x-country isnt on tracks. cant find the DHRP symposium survey. oh well. tata then. tomorrows gonna be a longggg day. 3:45pm -.-
you gotta know that i'll always love you all the same.
every single one of you.
you're all special, and <3 :D