Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @ 7:17 AM
sigh. if not for the cny hols i dont think i can see any end to the tests, pop quizzes, homework etc.
i mean look at the lineup. i already can predict what tests are upcoming for the next 2 weeks.
and if i actually bother to refer to the notice board, the tests for the whole year are wonderfully displayed.
shouldn't be complaining but i hardly have a life now.
but at the very least, cca's been great, and so has 4d <3
so manyyyy things i need to/want to do.
and every week is just a countdown of how many days there are left to weekends.
unfortunately there's never one weekend that i get to sleep past 7 plus so far and that is highly annoying and im getting desperate.
yes,iwishicouldbethererightnow.everything would seem so much better.
&no, currently, no one's worth the while.