Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 8:57 AM
quick night update ^^
pw's nearly done. (thank god)
49% through geog essay which comprises of 90% cut and paste.
there's still jianbao, bio summative, bio concept map(sorry hom, definitely not by tomorrow), chinese proj writeup, ace prep, and log ct revision.
urgh (justkillme).
out of creative juices for ANY essay on this planet.
dislike this.
essays should never be cut and paste buttt well, this time, it's their fault anyways.
there's only like 3 days of holiday left and this week totally didn't feel like holiday. expected.
yes, that odd i-want-to-break-down-and-disintegrate feeling is back in action.
perhaps it will, tonight.
update soon~
woohyunnie= < 3