Wednesday, January 23, 2008 @ 5:46 AM
uh oh today's bizlab was fun. or rather compared to last week it was "funner". dont bother about the singlish. and uhh. oh. coach roger added me on friendster? i was like o.O i didnt know coaches could be I.T savvy. or at least my fencing ones arent though they're great coaches all the same <3>:( whyyyyyy. silly .dll files. they never work ever. roar. and when i try using explorer it simply closes itself, opens a new window asking you to save and when you do click save it opens explorer again, closes itself.. and you know. it keeps going on. annoying, extremely. i think only exe. files can work. if ANYONE at all that reads this post knows what prog. to use to open silly .dll files PLEASEEEE drop a tagg. thank you very much :DDD
uh, yup im going to continue trying till 11pm. currently it's 10:49pm.
g'night people(: