Wednesday, August 4, 2010 @ 8:34 AM
cannot help reiterating this but seriously my groupmates are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME.
it is simply beyond my comprehension how people can be so irresponsible.
so only individual projects matter to you? when it comes to group projects you just shun your responsibility around and expect that at the end of the day, the report will miraculously appear, all ready to hand in?
OR even better, just hope that the teacher will give an extension? And what if she doesn't? I hope you do consider going down on your knees to beg.
seriously the next time some moron suggests letting the teacher group us for projects, don't blame me if you incur multiple bruises after that.
if you're so enthusiastic about "mixing around and generating fresh and new ideas" then go ahead. no one else is interested but like-minded morons like you.
pardon my language.
haha what a joke. to top it off, someone that simply doesn't understand simple instructions in english.
(instruction: search on environmental impacts. result: a whole lot of social impacts that was already done long ago)
currently i'm left with one group member online with the rest in lala land and her favourite strategy? : let's just hope the teacher extends.
life is simply great. i feel like a sitting duck.
哥,我知道你放暑假玩得不亦乐乎,但是快上网吧, 只有你愿意听我诉苦。现在超需要你的。
到底跑到那里去了嘛 ):