Friday, May 14, 2010 @ 8:53 AM
well today kinda marks the end of the first semester and as much as im looking forward to the holidays, i've realized that i ought to be doing so much more studying during that period. This ptm probably has allowed me to find not exactly motivation, but rather a reason to try even harder. After much thinking I've made up my mind about the subject combination too. Although it'll probably kill me to give up on the healthcare sector but the number of things i'll have to sacrifice, the effort, energy and time.. I'm not sure if i can still continue such a study routine for several years. well, it's probably just me.
ptm today went well :D glad we got more feedback forms back this year and that we managed to meet all the teachers we wanted to.
and its heartening to find out that there are friends that I can still speak to about almost everything and it turns out to be the people that i least expect. i guess people can change to become better and just like how everyone's improving day by day, to become a little smarter and stronger each day is a small expectation i have for myself.